You too could be involved!
Here's what's happening -
Morning of 9 June (Day 1): Case Study for the teams will be posted onto this blog.
9 to 11 June (Day 1 to 3): Each team would blog about what they have discussed the entire day. They too would be sharing their personal experience. Our commentators would also give you a download on what have been shared by our management.
During this period, we welcome your comments and assessment! Our bloggers would be consolidating your inputs which could potentially make or break a team’s strategies and recommendations! Simply comment on any of the team's blog posts.
12 June (Day 4): We will upload the business plans formulated by the respective teams. We would need your help to assess the most viable and holistic plan which the EDB should embark on.
By 25th June: Send us a one-page commentary on why you have selected that particular business plan. Include in your essay, also comments on how to improve the proposal. Attractive prizes to be earned for best essay(s).
Please submit your essay to
We would love to hear from you soon!