June 12, 2010

It's the end (sad face)... but not just yet!

From all of us at EDB, we truly hope that you guys had a fun and awesome time at the EDB Amoeba Challenge 2010! Our congratulations go out to ALL the teams and we thank you for your hard work, sleepless nights, panic attacks and creative ideas (and giving us so many interesting things to blog about) during these past three days!

Although the EDB Amoeba Challenge may be over for the 26 participants, we would love to hear from other students interested in sharing their ideas with us! We welcome all sorts of ideas and no idea is too farfetched, zany or weird! Put on your thinking hats and let your creative juices flow by participating in the essay writing competition (under the "Your Participation" section) and get a chance to win attractive prizes, including $1000 in cash!

Here's how to participate:

Morning of 9 June (Day 1): Case Study for the teams will be posted onto this blog.

9 to 11 June (Day 1 to 3): Each team would blog about what they have discussed the entire day. They too would be sharing their personal experience. Our commentators would also give you a download on what have been shared by our management.

During this period, we welcome your comments and assessment! Our bloggers would be consolidating your inputs which could potentially make or break a team’s strategies and recommendations! Simply comment on any of the team's blog posts.

12 June (Day 4): We will upload the business plans formulated by the respective teams. We would need your help to assess the most viable and holistic plan which the EDB should embark on.

By 25th June: Send us a one-page commentary on why you have selected that particular business plan. Include in your essay, also comments on how to improve the proposal. Attractive prizes to be earned for best essay(s).

Please submit your essay to Rachel_wan@edb.gov.sg

Please also connect with us via our EDB Facebook page if you have any questions or comments about EDB and/or the EDB Scholarship Process.

Thank you everyone for making EDB Amoeba Challenge 2010 such a great success and please join the EDB Amoeba Challenge 2010 facebook group so we can keep in touch! We wish all 26 participants the best of luck for their coming exams, and we hope to see you at EDB again soon! (:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi may i know where can i find the business plans for the essay competition? i cant seem to find it.